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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 26(3); 1983 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1983;26(3): 635-49.
Phonetical Survey of the Voice Range in Korean High-school Girls
Gill Ryoung Kim, MD, and Duk Hee Yang, MA
Department of Otolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
韓國女高生의 聲域에 關한 硏究
金基鈴 · 梁德姬
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

Among 610 Korean high-school girls, the range of the fundamental frequency of singing voice was investigated on the most popular method of measurement for the frequency range of phonation. The student is instructed to sing ascending musical scales, starting with a tone of middle c1(261.63 Hz), which can be sung easily in the modal register accompanied by the piano. The highest physiological tone was determined by matching the vocal tone which the tone produced by the piano. In the same manner, the lowest tone was also determined while singing descending scales. The highest and the lowest musical tones were also determined during the procedures. The frequency interval of the range was presented into a semitone on a staff notation and key board of the piano. On the other hand, the frequency range of 434 songs in 5 music textbooks, which were edited for the student by the Korean Ministry of Education, was analyzed in the same way. And also simultaneously compared with these two frequencies and the appropriateness of using these textbooks for the high-school girl in singing was evaluated and the following results were obtained : 1) Highest physical tone (HPT) and lowest physical tone (LPT) for the student were d3(1174.66 Hz) and H(123.47 Hz), and average physical frequency range of phonation(PFRP) revealed as 30 semitones(f/174.61 Hz-h2/987.77Hz). 2) Highest musical tone(HMT) and lowest musical tone(LMT) for the student were a2(880.00 Hz) and H(123.47 Hz) and average musical frequencyrange of phonation(MFRP) revealed as 23 semitones(f/174.61 Hz-e2/659.25 Hz). 3) Highest and lowest tone in frequency range of 434 songs in textbooks of music were a2(880.00 Hz) and g(196.00 Hz) and average frequency range of songs revealed as 20 semitones(a/220.00 Hz-f2/698.46 Hz). According to the above result, in comparison with average frequency range of songs as musical score(20 semitones, a-f2) and the average musical frequency range of phonation revealed as 23 semitones(f-e2), it was suggested that sprcial consideration especially for the adjusted arrangement of frequency range of songs as musical score to average musical frequency range of actual phonation for the student was expected. 

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