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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 28(4); 1985 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1985;28(4): 416-9.
The Audiological Significance of Bekesy Forward-Backward Tracing
Kyong Myong Chon, MD, and Jae Dong Yeo, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea
Bekesy 前進法 및 後進法 測定의 臨床聽覺學的 意義
全慶明 · 呂宰東
釜山大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

The Bekesy forward-backward discrepancy, a variation of the traditional Bekesy technique, compare forward sweeping continuous tracing(running from low to high frequencies) with backward tracing(running from high to low frequencies). It was shown to have potential diagnostic significance in identifying patients with retrocochlear sensorineural hearing loss and functional hearing loss. The discrepancy between forward and backward Bekesy tracings for continuous sweep-frequency signals was analyzed in 93 ears ; 19 with normal hearing and 74 with various types of hearing disorders according to Jerger's criteria of Bekesy forward-backward discrepancy. The results were as follows ; 1) 5% of normal hearings, 12% of conductive hearing loss cases, 21% of cochlear ears of sensorineural hearing loss cases, 100% of retrocochlear ears and 92% of functional hearing loss cases were abnormal tracing(ie, failed the Jerger's criteria). 2) 17% of Bekesy type I, 25% of type II, 80% of type III, 100% of type IV & V were abnormal tracing. 3) 125-250 Hz was most common site of the abnormal tracing and 4000-8000 Hz was least common site of the abnormal tracing. 4) Authors concluded that the Bekesy forward-backward discrepancy was significant diagnostic value to functional hearing loss and retrocochlear sensorineural hearing loss. 

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