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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 37(5); 1994 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1994;37(5): 1059-65.
Treatment Result of Laryngeal Cancer
Kyo Gab Moon, MD, Kyung Tae, MD, Kyung Rae Kim, MD, Hyung Seok Lee, MD, and Kyung Sung Ahn, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
후두암의 치료성적
문교갑 · 태 경 · 김경래 · 이형석 · 안경성
한양대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

ObjectiveTo evaluate the outcomes of patients with laryngeal cancer treated with irradiation and/or surgery.

DesignWe conducted a retrospective review of 89 patients' records from 1982 to 1990.

SettingDepartment of Otolaryngology in Hanyang University Hospital.

PatientsForty-five patients(50.5%) had glottic cancer, 41 patients(46.1%), supraglottic and 3 patients(3.4%), subglottic.

InterventionThe treatment modalities involved radiation therapy in 28 cases, surgery in 25 cases, surgery with postoperative RT in 31 cases and salvage operation in 5 cases.

Outcome MeasureClinically noted complications and oncologic outcome.

Glottic cancer showed much better prognosis than supraglottic cancer and 3-year survival rate was much higher in N(0) group(70.4%) than in N(+) group(31.4%). Complication rates were higher in surgery with postoperative radiation group and salvage operation group than in surgery alone group. The most common site of recurrence was primary site in radiation treated group and cervical node in surgical group.

Surgery with postoperative radiation was effective procedure in advanced lesion (stage III and IV). 

Keywords: Laryngeal cancerTreatment modalities.
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