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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 16(3); 1973 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1973;16(3): 11-6.
The Sonagraphic Analysis of Normal Consonants in Korean-Alphabet - 1. About the Unaspirated, Aspirated and Forced Sounds -
Young Il Moon, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
Sonagraph에 依한 韓國語의 正常子音 分析 - 1. 單純音, 有機音, 緊張音에 關하여 -
延世大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

When the author reported about the analysis of normal voice by sonagraph in the 44th Congress of the Korean Otolaryngological Society, there was no mention about the unaspirated, aspirated and forced consonants which are abundant in variety peculiar to the Korean alphabet among the components of the consonants. The author studied the variation of voice and voice articulation in detail, using the sonagraph at the College of Foreign Language in Tokyo. These variations have been observed by other methods. Also the author tried to detect the etiology of pathological or functional abnormal voice, considering it in view of contributing towards treatment by reporting the analyzed results. 1) In the comparison of the vowel continuing from the unaspirated, aspirated and forced consonants, the vowel sounds continuing to the aspirated were the shortest and those from the forced were longest. 2) In duration time of consonant, the forced one was the shortest, the unaspirated one was longer and the aspirated was the longest. In components of consonant, the aspirated one was distinct. 3) In the transitional part between the first vowel and consonant of VCV type, the unaspirated was shortest, the aspirated one longer and the forced one was the longest. 4) Comparing the all formants continuing from the forced consonants with the vowel sound continuing from the unaspirated and aspirated, the vowel immediately following the phonation appeared very strong.

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