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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 21(1); 1978 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1978;21(1): 99-103.
The Treatment of Laryngeal Webs
Joong Hwan Cho, MD, Tai Hyun Yu, MD, and Hyeon Soo Park, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Maryknoll General Hospital, Busan, Korea
Laryngealweb의 治療
曺重煥 · 柳太鉉 · 朴賢洙
釜山 메리놀病院 耳鼻咽喉科

A Laryngeal web was first reported by Fleischmann in 1822, and it causes upper airway obstruction and abnormalities of phontation. Congenital webs result from an arrest of development of the larynx around the tenth week of fetal life. Acquired webs may result from cicatrical strictures of infectious lesion, traumatic and postoperative wounds. The most common site of webbing is glottic, followed by subglottic and supraglottic. We have experiences a case of simultaneous posterior supraglottic and anterior commissural glottic webs due to tuberculous lesions in a 28 year old male. The webs were excised under magnified vision through a laryngoscope using a operating microscope. A silastic keel is secured between the raw surfaces of the separated supraglottic and glottic webs for 6 weeks by means of a loop of nylon passing externally through the cricothyroid membrane and thyrohyoid membrane at the level of the lower portion of the suprathyroid notch. 8 months postoperatively, no tendency toward web reformation occurred and considerable respiration and voice improvement had been noted.

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