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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 24(4); 1981 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1981;24(4): 581-7.
An Anthropological Study on the Auricle of the Aged Korean
Hyun Soo Park, MD, and Man Kee Paik, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea
韓國人 高齡者 耳介의 體質人類學的 硏究
朴賢秀 · 白萬基
서울大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

A somatometric study has been regarded as an important item in anthropology because of individual and racial characteristics. But studies in the aged Korean are rare. The auricles were measured in 309 individual over 50 years (128 male, 181 female) without ear diseases and facial deformities who had lived in 4 nursing homes located in Seoul or visited to ENT OPD of Seoul National University Hospital. The shape and size of the auricle were analyzed by 9 items i.e. physiognomical ear length, physiognomical ear breadth, morphological ear length, morphological ear breadth, length of the ear lobule, upper ear length, lower ear length, depth of the incisura intertragica, breadth of the incisura intertragica. The results were as follows: 1) In measurement of longitudinal diameters the physiognomical ear length and the lower ear length in male were greater than those in female with high significance (P<0.01). The morphological ear breadth, the length of ear lobule and the upper ear length had no sexual difference without statistical significance (P>0.01). 2) In measurement of transverse diameters physiognomical ear breadth in male was greater than that in female with high significance (P<0.01). Morphological ear length had no sexual difference without statistical significance (P>0.01). 3) In measurement of the depth of the incisura intertragica and the breadth of the incisura intertragica, they had no sexual difference without statistical significance (P>0.01). 4) In measurement of longitudinal diameters, the physiognomical ear length, the lower ear length, the upper ear length, the length of the ear lobule and the morphological ear breadth had no statistical significance between the aged and the control group between 20 to 25 years of age (P>0.01). 5) In measurement of transverse diameters, physiognomical ear breadth and the morphological ear length had no statistical significance between the aged and the control group (P>0.01). 6) In measurement of the depth of the incisura intertragica and the breadth of the incisura intertragica, they had no statistical significance between the aged and the control group (P>0.01). 7) Aging had no effect on the shape and size of the auricle.

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