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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 25(2); 1982 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1982;25(2): 306-10.
Collodion-Cotton Cast in Otohematomas
Soon Il Park, MD, Kang Mook Yoon, MD, Oh Kyoo Yang, MD, Suck In Paik, MD, and Seock Yong Lee, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Wonju School of Medical Science Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea
Collodion-Cotton Cast를 이용한 이혈종 환자의 치료에 관한 고찰
박순일 · 윤강묵 · 양오규 · 백석인 · 이석용
연세대학교 원주의과대학 의학부 이비인후과학교실

Blunt trauma to the ears often results in hematomas and they pose a problem to the managing physician. In the normal ear, the anterior skin is closely fixed and firmly adherent to the underlying cartilage whereas the posterior skin is separated from the cartilage by muscle, fat and areolar tissue and is rather loosely fixed to the posterior cartilage. In the acutely traumatized ear there is microscopic evidence of a thin layer of cartilage and fibrous tissue. In those who have had several episodes of trauma and hematoma with inadequate treatment, laminations of fibrous tissue and cartilage in alternating planes was reported. The principle of treatment is to evacuate the hematoma and the serous effusion totally and to maintain constant pressure during and after the aspiration. A safe and simple dressing should be firm enough to prevent further accumulation and pliable enough to maintain the normal contour of the external ear. A number of approaches, varying from a window operation to the use of ultraviolet rays, have been suggested by various authors. But unfortunately, all too often the patient elecits to risk a cauliflower ear. We have used collodion-cotton cast on 35 patients between March, 1977 and February, 1981 with excellent results. A simple and efficient method is presented for the treatment of acutely traumatized ears to prevent a cauliflower deformity.

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