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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 26(2); 1983 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1983;26(2): 208-16.
Complications of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media - Clinicostatistical Analysis of 45 Cases -
YC Kang, MD, SH Cho, MD, SC LEE, MD, and DW Lee, MD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Fatima Hospital, Taegu, Korea
慢性化膿性中耳炎의 合倂症 - 45예에 대한 임상적 고찰 -
강영천 · 조성현 · 이상찬 · 이대운
대구파티마병원 이비인후과

Since the advent of the chemotherapeutic agents, the incidence of the complications of the chronic suppurative otitis media was markedly reduced as well as the severity. Furthermore, various new surgical approaches have been ingeniously devised, which together with generalized medical service delivery system and recent increase in public concern on the health matters further enhanced the reduction of these awful, sometimes even fatal, pathologic conditions. During last six years, we have experienced 45 cases of complicated chronic suppurative otitis media. 31 showed intracranial involvements and 14 purely otologic. Cholesteatoma was found in 33 cases.
Operative findings were as follow.

1) Otologic complications

1. Cholesteatoma  33 73.3%
2. Coalescent mastoiditis  15 33.3%
3. Petrositis  01 02.2%
4. Facial paralysis  00 0.00%
5. Labyrinthitis  10 22.2%
6. Malignancy  02 . 4.4%

2) Intracranial complications

1. Extradural abscess  16 035.5%
2. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis  08 017.7%
3. Subdural abscess & pachymeningitis 0 5 011.1%
4. Leptomeningitis  21 046.6%
5. Brain abscess 0 6 013.2%
6. Otitic hydrocephalus 0 0 000.0%
7. Otitic pneumocephalus 0 0 000.0%

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