Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1985;28(5): 523-9. |
A Study on the Monothermal Differential Caloric Test for Evaluation of Vestibular Function |
Bong Jae Lee, MD, Yong Jae Kim, MD, See Ok Shin, MD, and Man Kee Paik, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea |
單一溫度 差別的 冷溫刺戟에 의한 前庭機能檢基에 關한 硏究 |
李奉宰 · 金容載 · 辛時鈺 · 白萬基 |
서울大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室 |
In the Torok monothermal differential caloric test, each ear is irrigated with 10 ml and 100 ml of water at 20°C in 5 sec. and 20 sec respectively. The intensity of the induced nystagmus is expressed in terms of the culmination frequency and maximum speed of slow component. The ratio between the weak and strong caloric response may be normal or disproportionately large or small. When large, Torok ragarded it as vestibular recruitment, a sign of labyrinthine disease, and when small, it was called as vestibular decruitment, a sign of posterior fossa abnormality. 42 young medical students and doctors were tested to obtain normal values of the culmination frequency, maximum speed of slow component and the ratio between the weak and strong caloric responses respectively. The mean values of the culmination frequency were 11.8±3.5 (mean±S.D) beats/10 sec. in the weak stimuli and 22.7±7.8 bests/10 sec. in the strong stimuli. The mean values of the maximum speed of slow component were 16.5±7.8°/sec and 30.8±13.3°/sec. respectively. The ratios of the culmination frequency and maximum speed of the slow component were included in the range of 1.1-3.4 and 1.1-3.5 in more than 95% of the tested ears and the mean values were 2.0±0.5 and 1.9±0.6 each. There was no statistically significant differences between the right and left ears (p>0.05).