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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 29(5); 1986 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1986;29(5): 654-61.
Clinico-Statistical Study of Patients with Hoarsensess
Young Il Moon, MD, Youn A Park, MD, Young Ju Kim, MD, and Eun A Jo, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine, Korea
哀聲患者의 臨床統計的 觀察
文英一 · 朴然雅 · 金瑩珠 · 趙恩雅
梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室

A statistical study was performed on 800 cases with chief complaint of hoarseness at the dept. of otolaryngology of Ewha Womans University Hospital during the past 5 years from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1984 and the following results were obtained : 1) Among total out patient of 24,949 who visited the dept. of otolaryngology, the patients with hoarseness were 800 cases(3.2%). 2) Among total of 800 cases, male were 336 and female were 464, the ratio being 1 : 1.4. 3) The underlying diseases causing hoarseness in order of frequency were acute laryngitis 248 cases(31.0%), chronic laryngitis 186 cases(23.3%), vocal nodule 160 cases(20.0%), vocal polyp 90 cases(11.3%), vocal cord paralysis 56 cases(7.0%), laryngeal papilloma 12 cases(1.5%), laryngeal cancer 9 cases(1.1%). 4) The highest incidence of age causing hoarseness in order of frequency were 3rd decade 213 cases(26.6%), 2nd decade 190 cases(23.8%), 4th decade 179 cases(22.4%). 5) The highest incidence of age for underlying diseases in order of frequency were as that follows : acute laryngitis in 3rd decade 73 cases(29.4%), chronic laryngitis in 3rd decade 53 cases(28.5%), vocal nodule in 3rd decade 52 cases(32.5%), vocal polyp in 4th decade 26 cases(28.9%), vocal cord paralysis in 4th decade 14 cases(25.0%), laryngeal cancer in 5th decade 6 cases(66.7%). 6) The highest incidence was with in 10 days(19.1%) from onset to consultation and 410 cases(51.3%) were visited to clinic within 3 months. 7) The highest incidence of the duration from the onset to consultation for the underlying diseases were as that follows : acute laryngitis within 10 days 117 cases(47.2%), chronic laryngitis 3M-6M 44 cases(23.7%), vocal nodule 3M-6M 40 cases(25.0%), vocal polyp 6M-1Yr 20 cases(22.2%), vocal cord paralysis within 10 days 12 cases(21.4%). 8) Associated symptoms with hoarseness in order of frequency were sore throat, foreign body sensation, sputum, coughing, swallowing difficulty, and dyspnea. But 394 cases(41.4%) had symptom of hoarseness only. 9) Average occurrence rate for hoarseness patients(3.2%) was increased as compared with Moon6)(1981)(2.9%).

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