Clinical Significance of High Jugular Bulb |
KH Park, MD1, J Kwon, MD1, HN Kim, MD2, YH Kim, MD2, and KJ Sung, MD3 |
1;Department of Otolaryngology, 3;Radiology, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine, 2;Department of Otolaryngology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Korea |
High Jugular Bulb의 임상적 의의 |
박기현1 · 권 준1 · 김희남2 · 김영호2 · 성기준3 |
연세대학교 원주의과대학 이비인후과학교실1;방사선과학교실3;연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실3; |
We have recently experienced 4 particular cases(Meniere's disease, objective tinnitus, subjective tinnitis, and massive bleeding following myringotomy) which were suspected to be related to high jugular bulb. So the relationship between the bottom of the hypotympanum and the jugular bulb has been investigated on the basis of a computed tomographic analysis of 75 cases. The purpose of this paper was brought together in a comprehensive, up-to-date and relevant manner, knowledge of jugular bulb. A high position of the jugular bulb was found in 34.6% out of 75 cases. It is more often found on the right side than the left. In most cases, high jugular bulb was located medial to the basal turn of cochlea. In the medial position, it may encroach upon the vestibular aqueduct, endolymphatic sac, cochlear aqueduct, and internal auditory meatus. High jugular bulb that was located lateral side, may be damaged during myringotomy or elevating tympanomeatal flap. High jugular bulbs were predominantly found in petrous pyramids with low grade mastoid pneumatization and sparse or no perilabyrinthine air cells. The higher the level of jugular bulb, the more damage to the adjacent structures. Otherwise bony erosion of the aqueduct of cochlea and vestibule seemed to be normal variation without clinical symptoms.