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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 32(6); 1989 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1989;32(6): 1132-8.
Clinico-statistical Study of Foreign Bodies in the Food Passage
Hyun Yun, MD, Hyun Mook Choi, MD, Hye Sang Chung, MD, Sun Nam Hong, MD, Jai Bong Chung, MD, and Kyu Sik Cyn, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Korea
식도이물의 임상통계적 고찰
윤 현 · 최현묵 · 정혜상 · 홍순남 · 정재봉 · 신규식
한림대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

We have clinico-statistically analysed the 139 cases of the foreign bodies in the food passage during the period of last 9 years from Apr. 1980 to Mar. 1989 at the Department of Otolaryngology, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital. The results follows : 1) Coin was the most frequent foreign body in food passage(105 cases : 75.5). Bone, meat, badook stone were next frequent foreign bodies in the food passage(5 cases : 3.6%). 2) In sex distribution, 91 cases(65.5%) were male and 48 cases(34.5) were female, so the ratio between male and female was 1.9 : 1. 3) In the age distribution, 112 cases(80.6%) were under 5 years of age, and in this group, coin was the best fequent material(96 cases : 69.1). 4) The most prevalent site of lodgement was first esophageal narrowing(121 cases : 87.1%), and the third esophageal narrowing(7 cases : 5%) and second esophageal narrowing(6 cases : 4.3%) in order. 5) In duration of lodgement, 113 cases(81.2%) were within one day. 6) The most common symptom was vomiting and drooling in under 5 years of age, but, dysphagia or odynophagia in most adult. 7) In four adult cases with esophageal stricture, one case was impacted capsule in stricture site of third esophageal narrowing and the others were impacted meat in stricture site of second esophageal narrowing. 

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