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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 39(4); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1996;39(4): 623-30.
Comparison of Conventional Sinus X-ray with OMU CT in Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis
Jae Hong Kim, MD1, Dong Il Shin, MD1, Hyun Ho Kim, MD1, Bo Seub Lee, MD1, Hee Kyu Kim, MD1, Chin Kyu Cho, MD1, and Sun Min Youn, MD2
1;Department of Otolaryngology and 2;Radiology, Euljl Hospital, Seoul, Korea
만성 부비동염에서의 단순촬영상과 OMU CT상의 비교
김재홍1 · 신동일1 · 김현호1 · 이보섭1 · 김희규1 · 조진규1 · 윤순민2
서울을지병원 이비인후과1;진단방사선과2;

Radiologic evaluation is indispensable for diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. Ostiomeatal unit computed tomography(OMU CT) was known to be more accurate than a conventional X-ray. However, many clinicians prefer conventional X-ray as screening test for low cost, small radiation dose and easy perfomance. We compared OMU CT with conventional X-ray views in 306 pa tients(612 sides) who were suspected of having chronic sinusitis. Coronal CT was taken after conventional X-ray examination, and intervals between the two examinations were 0 to 4 days. Correspondence rate of OMU CT findings with conventional X-ray ones was 72.1% in the maxillary sinuses of adult group, 60.0% in the ethmoid sinuses of the same group, 47.4% in the maxillary sinuses of pediatric group, and 38.8% in the ethmoid sinuses of the same group. If all OMU CT finding had been accurate, the rate of false negative with convention X-ray views was 9.7% in maxillary sinuses of adult group, and 15.1% I ethmoid sinuses of same group, 16.4% in maxillary sinuses of pediatric group, and 15.6% in ethmoid sinuses of same group. While, rate of false positive was 3.4% in maxillary sinuses of adult group, and 0.6% in ethmoid sinuses of same group, 10.3% in maxillary sinuses of pediatric group, and 4.3% in ethmoid sinuses of same group. Our result indicates that if conventional X-ray finding are doubtful in dianosis of sinus pathology or surgical intervention is planned, it is necessary to recommend CT.

Keywords: OMU CTConventional X-ray.
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