Pathologic Findings of Cartilage Invasion in Laryngeal Cancer and Correlation with Computed Tomohraphy
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Kang Dae Lee, MD1;Jong Duk Lee, MD1;Tae Hyung Kim, MD1;Han Kook Lee, MD1;Jeong Seop Lee, MD1;Min Sik Seo, MD1;Yong Soo Yim, MD1;Woo Chong Lee, MD1;Jekal Jaehwan, MD1;Tai Hyun Yu, MD1;Hee Kyung Chang, MD2;Man Ha Huh, MD2;Kyong Myong Chon, MD3; and Soo Geun
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg. 1995;38(3):424-36.