Since the first study on vowel articulation was done in early 20th century, there have been 2 main theories for vowel formation : resonance theory and pertubation theory. It is well known nowadays that the obsolete theory of highest tongue position of Daniel Jones neglects the importance of pharyngeal cavity in vowel articulation. And as Bzoch described that the degree of elevation of soft palate is different in each vowel in relation to tongue position, we have noticed that phenomenon. So by analysing the vocal tract area, the authors intended to find the constriction area for the Korean standard vowel-(used by the average people of Seoul) articultion with the aids of video-velopharyngograms and lateral Roentgenograms of vocal tract and to evaluate the relationship between tongue motion and soft palate elevation. The study was performed with 10 adults(male : 5, female : 5) using the nine primary Korean vowels. The results were as follows : 1) By analysing the vocal tract area function with constriction area for vowel articulations, that the Korean vowels [i], [e], [ε] are articulated at hard palate level,
[], [u] are at soft palate level,
[V] is at upper pharynx level and the
[9] are at lower pharynx level was noted. 2) The degree of soft palate elevation was related with the tongue position ; high in high tongue vowels such as [i],
[], [u] and low in low tongue vowels in
[@] statistically(p<0.05). 3) The significance of pharyngeal cavity in vowel articulation was noted.