A Case of Otogenic Cerebellar Abscess |
Yun Keun Kang, MD, Sung Nam Kim, MD, and In Won Chang, MD |
Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Chonnam National University, Korea |
耳性 小腦膿瘍 治驗 1例 |
康連根 · 金盛男 · 張寅源 |
全南大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室 |
Authors recently experienced a case of chronic suppurative otitis media with cerebellar abscess. A 19 years old male was admitted to this department on Sept. 2, 1971 with the chief complaints of severe headache, dizziness, ataxia, nausea and vomiting for 10 days. The patient has been suffered from chronic suppurative otitis media on the right ear since 9 years old. Under the local anesthesia, the mastoidectomy was performed with operating microscope and severe foul smelling thick pus was drained from the lesion.