An Experimental Study on Repair of the Septal Perforation by Auricular Cartilage Autografting |
Young-Ki Kim, MD1, Yang-Gi Min, MD1, and Chul Hee Lee, MD2 |
1;Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, 2;Department of Otolaryngology, Korea Veterans Hospital, Seoul, Korea |
耳介軟骨自家移植法을 사용한 鼻中隔穿孔再建手術에 關한 實驗的 硏究 |
金榮基1 · 閔陽基1 · 李哲熙2 |
서울大學校 醫科大學 耳鼻咽喉科學敎室1;한국보훈병원 이비인후과2; |
A perforation was made at the anterior portions of the nasal septum, and auricular cartilage with perichondrium was grafted. The grafted tissue was taken and examined grossly and histologically 4 weeks later to evaluate the availability of the auricular cartilage autografting for the treatment of the nasal septal perforation. The results were as follows ; 1) Grossly, the transplanted site was covered with healthy nasal mucosa, scar formation was minimal, and no granulation tissue was observed. 2) Histologically, mucosa was regenerated completely at the transplanted site. The regenerated mucosa was ciliated columnar epithelium. 3) The grafted cartilage was intact without absorption or reperforation. Growth of the grafted cartilage and scattered ossification was observed, which suggested the regeneration potential of the perichondrium. 4) From the above results auricular cartilage autografting seemed to be one of the excellent surgical procedures for repair of the septal perforation.