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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 32(2); 1989 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1989;32(2): 174-91.
Clinical Trial of Nucleus 22 Channel Cochlear Implant in Two Totally Deaf Patients
Chong Sun Kim, MD1, Jeong You Kim, MD1, Myung Whun Sung, MD1, Sung Hwa Hong, MD1, Moon Hee Han, MD2, Mi Sun Youn, MD3, and Jae Woo Song3
1;Department of Otolaryngology, 2;Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, 3;Hearing and Speech Clinic, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea
Nucleus 22 Channel 蝸牛移植器를 이용한 人工內耳의 임상적 시도
金宗善1 · 金正裕1 · 成明勳1 · 洪聖和1 · 韓文熙2 · 尹美善3 · 宋在宇3
서울대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실1;방사선과학교실2;서울대학교병원 청각언어장애진료실3;

Twenty two channel cochlear implant(Nucleus type) was implanted in two totally deaf Korean patients(43-year-old house wife, and 30-year-old male farmer). Both of these cases needed fine drilling of the obliterated basal turn of the cochlea which made it possible to introduce all of the active electrodes into the cochlea. The formant-based speech processing strategy of F0/F1/F2 mode was used. The dynamic ranges were more than 40 over all of the active electrodes of each patient. The scores of vowel and consonant confusion test reached up to 100% and 93% respectively in the first case, and 94% and 75% respectively in the second case with lip reading and speech processor. It seems to be better to use cochlear implant in recently deafened patients with good lip reading and preserved speech(first patient) than in long time deaf without any memory of environmental sound at all(second patient). Further experiences will give better results to the patients for cochlear implantation.

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