Contributing Factors of the Phoneme Recognition Ability in Nucleus 22-channel Cochlear Implantees |
Hee-Nam Kim, MD1, Yoon Joo Shim, MA1, Mi Sook Chang, MD1, Jeong Joon Lee, MD1, and Hong Joon Park, MD2 |
1;Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul 2;Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Aju University College of Medicine, Suwon, Korea |
Nucleus 22 채널 와우이식 환자의 어음변별력에 미치는 요소 |
김희남1 · 심윤주1 · 장미숙1 · 이정준1 · 박홍준2 |
연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실1;아주대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실2; |
Previous studies had attempted to identify factor(s) that can predict the audiologic preformance with conchlear implant device. However, no single factor showed a strong correlation with the audiologic performance. Nineteen adult cochlear implantees who received a rehabilitation for 3 months or more were selected for this study. Each five preoperative(age at onset of hearing loss, duration of deafness, development of language, level, dynamic range, number of usable electrodes, period of device use) factors were chosen. We conducted a statistical analysis(simple correlation and multiple regression) to determine which factor(s) contribute(s) to the phoneme recognition ability. The important factors to affect the audiologic performance preoperatively were duration of hearing loss and levels of language development. Postoperatively, the duration of device use and dynamic range were remarkably contributed to the phoneme recognizability. Overall, the duration of hearing loss and period of device use showed a strong correlation with the audiologic performance.
Cochlear implanteesㆍContributing factorsㆍPhoneme recognition ability. |