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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 35(1); 1992 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1992;35(1): 168-176.
An experimental study on tracheal reconstruction using rib cartilage and perichondrium in rabbits.
Woo Seok Chae, Uk Lim, Chul Won Park, Hyung Seok Lee, Kyung Sung Ahn, Sun Kon Kim
가토의 자가 늑연골 및 늑연골막을 이용한 기관재건술에 대한 실험적 연구
채우석 · 임 욱 · 박철원 · 이형석 · 안경성 · 김선곤
한양대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실

One of the most difficult and challenging problems in head and neck field is the management of laryngeal of tracheal defects secondary to stenosis or malacia. Moreover the problem is increasing with greater number of surviving patients, after prolonged ventilating assistance, particularly the neonate and the elderly. End to end anastomosis after resection of 6cm of the trachea is the method of choice, in most patients. However, the reconstruction of more than half the trachea according to biological principles makes it desirable to use autogenous tissue meeting the requirement of reliability, stability, and compatibility. Authors have used the rib cartilage and perichondrium as the graft material because cartilage is the normal supporting matrix of trachea, to investigate whether they will be of obvious advantage for positioning graft over the defect and obtaining new cartilage there. Through the experiment, we confirmed rib cartilage and perichondrium as a suitable material for the reconstruction of the tracheal defects.

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